鳥取県立博物館 ロゴ


鳥取県立博物館研究報告 第43号
Bulletin of the Tottori Prefectural Museum No. 43



■自然分野 Natural History

●川上 靖・清末幸久・一澤 圭・平尾和幸・安藤重敏:鳥取県沿岸における漂着動物(2004年1月~2005年12月)とアカウミガメに付着していた暖海性紅藻類トゲキヌイトグサAntithamnion tanakae

 [Yasushi KAWAKAMI, Yukihisa KIYOSUE, Kei ICHISAWA, Kazuyuki HIRAO and Shigetoshi ANDO: Records of marine animals stranded on the coast of Tottori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan from January 2004 to December 2005, with notes on a sub-tropical red algae Antithamnion tanakae on the carapace of a Loggerhead turtle]

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 [Yusuke YAMASHITA, Tomomichi KOBAYASHI and Katsuya NAITOH: A record of a lamprey species Lethenteron reissneri from Kokufu-cho, Tottori, Japan, and some behaviors of the lampreys related to mud and light]

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●一澤 圭・川上 靖・本田夏海・倉長亮二:日本海大和堆で採集されたマッコウタコイカGonatopsis makko(ツツイカ目テカギイカ科)

 [Kei ICHISAWA, Yasushi KAWAKAMI, Natsumi HONDA and Ryoji KURANAGA: A record of a gonatid squid Gonatopsis makko (Teuthida: Gonatidae) captured near the Yamato Bank, central region of the Sea of Japan]

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 [Yukihisa KIYOSUE: A record of Burmannia championii Thwaites (Burmannaceae), new to the flora of Tottori Prefecture, Japan]

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 [Kazuyuki HIRAO: Plant fossils from Miyanoshita, Kokufu-cho, Tottori, Japan]

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■人文分野 Human History


 [Hitoshi HIGASHIKATA: A study on artifacts of the Nishiurayama Tumulus, Kokufu-cho, Tottori, Japan]

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 [Hiroaki AMANO and Tomomichi KOBAYASHI: A preliminary report on study of “kin” relationships among the Inaba Kirin-jishi-mai dances by analysis of composition of behavior patterns of the dances]

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 [Hiroki KURUMIDA: Notes on "Kifu no Ki", a diary written by Hokyoin (1789-1856)]

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■総合分野 Museum Study

●一澤 圭・田邊玲奈・佐藤 仁:欧州の科学系博物館におけるコミュニケーションサービスに関する海外先進施設調査報告

 [Kei ICHISAWA, Rena TANABE and Hitoshi SATOU: A report on the Science Communication Service in three European Museums]

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●安藤重敏:鳥取県立博物館普及誌『郷土と博物館』の総目録, 1号(1953)~94号(2005)

 [Shigetoshi ANDO: Contents of “Kyodo-to-Hakubutsukan”, a magazine of the Tottori Prefectural Museum, from No. 1 (1953) to No. 94 (2005)]

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最後に本ページの担当課    鳥取県立博物館
    住所  〒680-0011
    電話  0857-26-80420857-26-8042
       ファクシミリ  0857-26-8041
    E-mail  hakubutsukan@pref.tottori.lg.jp

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