鳥取県立博物館 ロゴ



Bulletin of the Tottori Prefectural Museum No. 51


■自然分野Natural History


巣箱利用から見た鳥取県芦津渓谷におけるニホンモモンガ, ヤマネ,ヒメネズミの生息場所選択性

[Tomomichi KOBAYASHI : Studies on habitat preference using nest boxes of the Japanese flying squirrel, the Japanese dormouse and the small Japanese field mouse in the Ashizu Valley, Tottori Prefecture, Japan] 

 (PDF: 552KB)




 [Shigetaka SAKATA : Species list and distribution maps of sedges in Tottori Prefecture, Japan ] 

 (PDF: 748KB : 1,740KB)





[Toshifumi WADA, Nobuhito OSADA, Hiroko HARAGUCHI, and Masami UNO : A report of fishes and marine invertebrates occurred in the surf zones of sandy beaches at eastern part of Tottori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan] 

 (PDF: 1,800KB)




[Toshifumi WADA, Hiroko HARAGUCHI, and Eiji YAMASAKI : Fish fauna and seasonal
variation of subtidal fish assemblages in Uradome coast, locating at southwestern Sea of Japan, Honshu, Japan] 

 (PDF: 1,219KB : 1,737KB : 1,531KB) 


●一澤圭・林耕介・小笠原淳子・田島木綿子・上野真太郎・石原孝・ 川上靖 ・山田格:

鳥取県沿岸と周辺海域で記録された海洋動物(2012 年~ 2013 年)-鯨類,鰭脚類,ウミガメ類,および アカマンボウ目魚類について-

[Kei ICHISAWA, Kosuke HAYASHI, Junko OGASAWARA, Yuko TAJIMA, Shintaro UENO, Takashi ISHIHARA, Yasushi KAWAKAMI, and Tadasu K. YAMADA : Marine animals recorded in the Sea of Japan around Tottori Prefecture from 2012 to 2013 ‒ cetaceans, pinnipeds, sea turtles and lampriform fishes ‒] 

 (PDF: 1,886KB) 




[Toshifumi WADA, Yuki TOKUDA, and Kei ICHISAWA : Report on a specimen of the giant
squid Architeuthis dux stranded at Uradome coast of Tottori Prefecture, southwestern Sea of Japan] 

 (PDF: 1,254KB) 



■人文分野 Human History




 [Hitoshi HIGASHIKATA : About the situation in the launch of Glycymeris albolineata at
seashores of East Tottori Prefecture] 

 (PDF: 952KB)




 [Hitoshi HIGASHIKATA : A Study on Sue-ware, collected from the “Yabase-Zenpoukouenhun”] 

 (PDF: 1,686KB)


●藤木竜也・福代 宏:


 [Tatsuya FUJIKI and Hiroshi FUKUSHIRO : On Munafuda (Desication board) attributed in Nara and Heian period of Tottori Prefecture] 

 (PDF: 1,306KB)




 [Toshinori ISHIDA : Nihonkai Shimbun's articles related to the Group Evacuations of Schoolchildren] 

 (PDF: 1,296KB)




鳥取藩領因幡国岩井郡大庄屋中島家「御用日記」翻刻 その三

 [Yoichi OSHIMA, Sachiko YOTSUI and Naoko SIBATA : A reprinting of "Official diary of Great Village Headmen in Tottori province in the Edo period" vol.3] 

 (PDF: 957KB)


最後に本ページの担当課    鳥取県立博物館
    住所  〒680-0011
    電話  0857-26-80420857-26-8042
       ファクシミリ  0857-26-8041
    E-mail  hakubutsukan@pref.tottori.lg.jp

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